Eire Óg Inis

Founded 1952

Co. Clare

Club notes 1st March 2025

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 | Míle buíochas to all that assisted with stewarding at Bishop Willie’s funeral last weekend, it was lovely to see a mix of younger and older members get involved and it was much appreciated by the clergy.

| Club Fixtures  
Our U18 hurlers get the competitive season underway Sunday at 11am in Éire Óg when they host Inagh Kilnamona in the first round, next Sunday our U18 footballers will host Kilmurry Ibrickane. Best of luck to the lads and to respective managers Alan Leamy & Jason Carmody and their management teams. Check out fixture/results on https://clare.gaa.ie/fixtures-results/ 

Club adult leagues begin next weekend with senior football, senior ladies and junior ladies out in action. Adult fixtures have been uploaded to Clubzap, check them out on the app or on the web here: https://eireoginis.ie/fixturesv  Please note fixture times will be updated online once confirmed to us and junior C hurling fixtures have not yet been confirmed.

| Safeguarding Workshop  Éire Óg are running a virtual *Safeguarding 1 Workshop* on April 1st. It is vital that if you are involved in any capacity with children U18 you must have this course completed.  Random audits are being carried out so we need to be compliant with this.
Follow link below to register. The enrolment key is *EO2025* 

If you have any queries you can contact Gemma Fitzgerald 086 208 0543.  

 | Éire Óg Easter Camp
A reminder to register for this year’s Easter Camp at the link below: https://eireoginis.ie/products

 | Club & Community 5K Walk and Fun Run  Well done to all that participated in our annual Club & Community 5K last weekend. We had a good turnout and ideal weather!  We were delighted to have the fabulous Ferns Family join us to get the crowd warmed up. Thanks so much to James, Kaityln, Bobby and Jaime for taking time out to visit on the day of Ireland’s Fittest Family final.  We were honoured to dedicate the event to the memory of Bishop Willie, who is dear to so many in Éire Óg, Club Chair Brian Howard spoke of Willie and held a minutes silence before the walk.  Thanks to everyone that contributed on the day-to Ishka Spring Water for sponsoring water, to our helpers that provided tea/coffee, treat bags for kids and fruit cups.  We held the draw for 4 x €25 Spar Turnpike vouchers. The winners were: Laura Lyons, Nóra Áine Ní Nualláin, Patricia Kilcawley and Daragh O’Rourke.  Congrats to John Griffin, first man in at 21 mins and Orla Cronin, first woman in at 26mins, and to youngster Leah who came in hot on John Griffin’s tail, just over 21 mins.  Finally, I’d like to commend our Walking Wednesday and our Couch to 5K running group on completing today’s 5K, a first for many, take a bow, ye were great!  Keep moving and stepping everyone.

| Gaeilge
1.Beidh foireann láidir á gcur chun páirce ag Éire Óg ar an Luan seo chughainn i gcomortas Tráth na gCeist Boird de chuid Scór Sinsir an chontae. Beimid ag súil le 3 as a 3 a bhaint amach, an tríú bliain as a chéile chun an sciath a bhuachaint.  Is iad Sinéad Ní Ghionáin, Ghearóid Ó hEarcáin, Pádraig Ó Cuinn agus Seán Ó Mathúna a bheidh ag dul chun cogaidh ar ár son in Óstán Woodstock ar 7.30 ar an Luan.  Go néirí leo. 

2. Beidh foireann peile ón gclub ag glacadh páirt i mbliots as Gaeilge i glár Átha Dá Choradh i gceann cupla seachtaine-ár mbuíochas leis na Maggies as an cuireadh.

3.  Tá ár GDO Tomás De Barra aga eagrú bliots eile as Gaeilge i gcóir deireadh na míosa.  Rang a 3 i mbunscoileanna an bhaile a bheidh páirteach, beidh sé ar siúl i bhFaiche an Aonaigh (fairgreen), tuilleadh eolais amach anseo.  If anybody would like to join our little grúpa Gaeilge, which tosses around ideas for spreading the cúpla focal, or indeed if anybody would like to join our Thursday night Caint is Craic sessions in the clubhouse, 8-9, beidh fáilte romhaibh.  No pressure to spout Gaeilge líofa, just a grá don teanga, a desire to keep the flame alive and a bit of sociable chat about anything and everything, cuir glaoch orm-(as Béarla nó Gaeilge, I'm reasonably fluent in both).087 6820572.
Buíochas, Jimmy

| Rochford’s Event  Reminder of next Tuesday’s Care & Glow Skincare and Health event with Rochford’s Pharmacy. Many thanks to Audrey & Rochford’s staff for running this event for the club. There are still spaces so the registration form has been left open for now: https://forms.office.com/e/8fbaNBkemG

| Club Lotto 
Club lotto jackpot now stands at €8750. Last Thursday’s numbers were: 2, 4, 12, 30. There was no Jackpot winner, and 1 x Match 3 winner @ €100: Pudsy Ryan. The Promoters Prize of €25 went to Ted Finn. Well done to all. Paul will be in touch re prizes.

Enter club lotto online on the link below, play ahead for up to 52 weeks for just €2 per week: https://eireoginis.ie/draws  The draw takes place every Thursday night at the clubhouse and all are most welcome to attend.

| Club Draw 
Final call on club draw tickets, the link to purchase is being left open until Monday evening for any last minute purchases. Thanks to all that have bought and contributed to the clubs running costs.  Purchase online here:  https://eireoginis.ie/products/23178/purchases/new   

| Club Membership 
Thanks to all of you up to date with your club membership, for unregistered players, membership is now overdue and there is no insurance in place for  training or games until it is paid. Non playing members deadline is March 31st.  Purchase your membership online here: https://eireoginis.ie/membership_signup

Should you have any membership queries, please contact club registrar by email: registrar.eireogennis.clare@gaa.ie  

| Member email list  Please note we are still working from last year’s member email list, this will be updated on March 31st when lapsed members will be removed. We will start adding new members in the coming week, so those recently joined may not be receiving email just yet.   Any queries to: pro.eireogennis.clare@gaa.ie
 | Munster GAA Club Forum  See link below with recordings and PPT presentations from the Munster Club Forum on the 25th January with a range of topics and speakers. https://munster.gaa.ie/2025/02/2025-munster-gaa-club-forum/


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