Eire Óg Inis

Founded 1952

Gym and Dressing Room Development

Contact Club Treasurer Kieran Kavanagh to support the Gym and Dressing Room development. Email: treasurer.eireogennis.clare@gaa.ie Mobile: 087 798 5206

Update 24 January 2025
On behalf of Brian Howard and Club Executive:
Dear Building Project Contributor

As an update on the current progress of our Gym/Dressing Rooms Project, we unfortunately find ourselves in a stationary position at this time. 

We have been awaiting the services of the ESB for the last six weeks to complete the wiring of the main Electrical Transformer which has been on site in Èire Og since before Christmas.

The delay while disappointing is completely out of our hands. It is important to point out that this delay is similarly of no fault of our building contractor; Gildoc. 

The ESB had initially given us an onsite date before Christmas and a subsequent date after Christmas but due to inclement weather both before and after Christmas, the ESB had to redeploy their crews to restore electricity to homes throughout the county which is totally understandable. We were given a further onsite date for the last week in January but in light of Storm Èowyn, it is now expected that there will be a further redeployment of their ESB crews for the next fortnight. 

It would now appear that we are looking at mid-February before the electrical works can be completed in Èire Og when we will then be in a position to push on with the project.

We will update you further when the ESB have completed their work.

Update 9 October 2024
Gym/Dressing Rooms Project INFORMATION NIGHT  
- Èire Og Clubhouse on Friday October 18th 2024 @ 8.30pm
Having received our Green Notice for Full Planning Permission last week, Gildoc Building Contractors have moved onto site in Éire Óg to carry out enabling works in advance of the construction commencement of our new Gym and Dressing Rooms.
As indicated in previous updates, having carried out a review of the project and while being cognisant of our potential fundraising capabilities, it is intended to proceed with the building of the new 'Dressing Rooms' as per the original plans and to replace the original planned Gym with an alternative steel framed structure erecting it on the same footprint as per the original plans which will substantially reduce the cost of the project. 
In addition, it is also planned to carry out a complete renovation of our two current dressing rooms.
In respect of projected timelines, it is intended to begin with the Gym section of the Project in the hope that this will be completed by Quarter 2 of 2025. 
The renovations to our two current dressing rooms are also expected to be completed during this time frame. 
The commencement on the construction of the new Dressing Rooms is expected to begin by Quarter 2 of 2025 with an anticipated completion date by Quarter 4 of 2025.
During the construction works, members should be mindful that car parking spaces will be reduced. While the construction site will be secured and monitored by Gildoc Building Contractors with the aid of CCTV cameras, members should also be conscious that inside the erected hoarding is a Building Site with no access allowed to the public. Signage will be erected to assist our membership and visitors to the Club.
As the project is relied very much on our members and supporters extremely generous financial contributions, we would encourage those members who have committed to the annual contribution of €300 over four years 2023-2026 inclusive to renew your 2024 contribution.
For those who have already committed to the once off payment of €1,200 and those committed to monthly standing orders, we thank ye for your continued support.
For those members and Club supporters who have, for whatever reason chosen not to financially support this project and would now wish to do so, we would encourage you to contact our Club Treasurer; Kieran Kavanagh on 087-7985206 or alternatively on treasurer.eireogennis.clare@gaa.ie with whom you can discuss the following contribution options -
€50 per month                             24 Months
€400 per year                               2024, 2025 & 2026
Once off contribution              1,200
We, once again want to take this opportunity to thank all our loyal members and Club supporters who have and continue to contribute financially to this Gym/Dressing Rooms/Current Dressing Rooms Renovation Project. 
The information night on the 18th is an opportunity for you to view the plans and to clarify any queries you may have.
Brian Howard 
Club Chair

Update 26 June 2024
Further to our email update on May 25th, we can confirm the planning application in respect of the Gym/Dressing Rooms Project has been submitted to the Planning Office of Clare County Council and we await a decision which is expected to be in the region of 10 weeks. We now have the ‘green light’ for the erection of the Site Planning Notice at the club.

Update 25 May 2024
In follow on from the previous update to our Club membership ten weeks ago (8/3/24) which can be viewed below for those who may not have had the opportunity to see sight of same, we wish to inform you that the amended planning application for our Gym/Dressing Rooms project is currently with our Consultant Engineer. 
It is hoped that the planning application can be moved on as soon as possible to the Planning Office of Clare County Council where the decision-making process will take a minimum of eight weeks. 
In anticipation of a positive decision of approval from the Planning Office, our Contractor will be in a position to begin works immediately.
We once again thank all our loyal members and Club supporters who have and continue to contribute financially to this Gym/Dressing Rooms Project. We ask for your continued patience and support while we progress through this process as expeditiously as possible despite the various obstacles and challenges that we have had to work around.

Update 8 March 2024
At our Club AGM on December 3rd, 2023, an update was given by our Project Chairperson; Jimmy Cooney who gave a comprehensive and detailed presentation on the committed work carried out by both the Building and Fundraising Committees.
It was outlined at the AGM that quotes to carry out the Building Project were sought from seven tenders with four building contractors subsequently tendering quotes. The quotes were returned to the Club in late October 2023 which were then assessed by the committee.
The quotes received from the respective tenders were outlined to the attendees at the AGM by the Club Chairperson. The current and projected finances following fundraising for the project were also outlined to those in attendance and it is important to acknowledge that the Club have through the very generous support of our members raised and continue to raise through direct debits and other contributions a substantial amount of money for which the Club are eternally grateful.
Unfortunately, however, due to the increase of materials right across the building sector over the last twenty-four months, the original QS's estimated project quote of 750K fell well short of the lowest tender received to complete the project. This gap between the projected cost and the lowest tender could simply not be bridged which regrettably put the Club in a position where we simply could not progress with the project as per its original plan.
The Chairperson then sought from those in attendance at the AGM, a period of time to carry out a full review of the Project following which the Executive would release to the membership an update regarding same.
Having carried out the review and while being cognisant of our potential fundraising capabilities, it is not proposed to proceed with the building of the new dressing rooms as per the original plans and to replace the original planned Gym structure with a Modular type unit placing it on the same footprint as per the original plans which will substantially reduce the cost of the project. In addition, it is also planned to carry out a complete upgrade of our two current dressing rooms.
Much work has been done since Christmas to find a suitable Modular unit to suit our requirements. The process is now at the stage where pre planning regulatory requirements are being assessed under the professional advice of the Club's Consultant Engineers with a view to re-submitting an amended planning application. Any submission to the Planning Office is expected to take a minimum of eight weeks from the date of submission to receive a reply.

It is certainly not where we had hoped to be as a Club in relation to this project but the Executive are committed to completing this project and we would ask member's for their patience and support over the coming weeks and months as we try to expedite the process through the various stages as quickly as possible. 

Update February 2023

Gym and Dressing Room Building Project
The club recently announced an ambitious project for the Club, in the development of a new gym and changing room facilities.
In the weeks and months ahead, we will use this page to keep our Eire Óg community updated. Of course, projects like this need finance and our focus now turns to fundraising – this is where we need the support of you, our members and friends.

Learn More here or watch our video here

The club is inviting individuals in the Eire Óg community to participate in a 4-year direct debit plan for €300 euro per annum
or €25 euro per month. Contributors may also choose to donate €1,200 in a once off payment.

Why €300? The club can avail of a tax break that will entitle the club to additional funds depending on the tax status of the
contributor and the minimum contribution required to avail of the tax break is €250. Further information on this is contained
in FAQ section.

If you have not already made a commitment to support the development fund, please complete the short form below:

This form is now closed, please contact Club Treasurer Kieran Kavanagh on 087 798 5206 with any queries

Brochure available here

FAQ's available here

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