Eire Óg Inis

Founded 1952

Co. Clare

Éire Óg Inis 5K 2025

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Well done to all that participated in our annual Club & Community 5K today. We had a good turnout and ideal weather! We were delighted to have the fabulous Ferns Family join us to get the crowd warmed up. Thanks so much to James, Kaityln, Bobby and Jamie for taking time out to visit. We are all rooting for ye tonight in the final of Ireland’s Fittest Family, such an achievement and great experience for the family, make sure everyone tunes into RTE1 at 6.35pm this evening to shout them on.

We were honoured to dedicate today’s event to the memory of Bishop Willie, who is dear to so many in Éire Óg, Club Chair Brian Howard spoke of Willie and held a minutes silence before the walk.

Thanks to everyone that contributed on the day-to Ishka Spring Water for sponsoring water, to our helpers that provided tea/coffee, treat bags for kids and fruit cups.

We held the draw for 4 x €25 Spar Turnpike vouchers. The winners were: Laura Lyons, Nóra Áine Ní Nualláin, Patricia Kilcawley and Daragh O’Rourke. Congrats, Assumpta will be in touch with you.

Congrats to John Griffin, first man in at 21 mins and Orla Cronin, first woman in at 26 mins.

Finally, I’d like to commend our Walking Wednesday and our Couch to 5K running group on completing today’s 5K, a first for many, take a bow, ye were great!

Keep moving and stepping everyone.

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