Upcoming club fixtures
While the big game of the weekend is certainly the Munster Club Football quarter-final on Sunday we also have an intermediate ladies football shield final in Éire Óg on Saturday and an U21 A football semi-final in Gurteen this coming Wednesday. The best of luck to all, hopefully the ladies will be tidying away the gear this year with a final win under their belts..!
Éire Óg v Loughmore-Castleiney Cusack Park Sun 5th @ 1pm
The very best of luck to Paul, his management team and all the lads on the day. Let's show our support by turning out in colour and numbers to shout them on.
Tickets: A reminder that this event is entry by pre-purchase ticket only-NO TICKET SALES ON THE VENUE-U16s are free entry at designated stile. Link for tickets: https://www.universe.com/users/munster-gaa-TR8ZGN
Please share ticket info with others to avoid anyone being unable to enter on the day.
Match Stream: The game can be streamed for those unable to attend, cost is €10. You will need to set up a profile on https://www.clubber.ie/home to access the link.
Come on the Town...!!! 🔴⚪