Eire Óg Inis

Founded 1952

Co. Clare

Recent Articles

Recent Eire Óg Inis news and info

In 2 days we meet Naomh Eoin, it's not our first time meeting...read on>>

In just 2 days we will land in Cusack Park for the Junior A County final v Naomh Eoin   2...

3 days to the County final...3 also is the number of...

3 days to the County Final 3 is the number of goals Éire Óg have scored on their path to the f...

4 more days...4 is the amount of....>>

4 days till we hit Cusack Park... 4 is the number of goals Éire Óg have conceded on their path...

5 days till the Junior Football final...5 is also the number of....

5 days till we take to the field on County Final day in Cusack Park.. 5 is the number of champ...

6 days to the Junior Football final...the number 6 is also...

6 days till we take to the field on County Final day in Cusack Park...   6 is the number ...

7 day countdown to Junior A Football Championship County Final v Naomh Eoin: 7 days...

7 days till we take to the field on County Final day in Cusack Park   7 is the numbe...

U21 football postponed

The first round game of the U21 football championship v Kilmihill/Shannon Gaels due to take pl...

Minor football semi postponed

Today's minor football semi v Naomh Eoin has been postponed due to weather conditions. 

Sports Prediction Quiz update

Things at heating up at the business end of the sports prediction quiz. We have Peter Cantwell...

Best of luck on Sunday to teams near and far

Plenty of action for Éire Óg tomorrow, Sunday 15 October in camogie and football. First&n...

Opportunity for experienced bar staff @ Éire Óg Clubhouse

Eire Og Club House Require Experienced Bar Staff for weekend work Please phone Mauri...

Éire Óg Weekend activities

A busy weekend of club activity lies ahead... Starting from 11am Saturday when the annual Rock...

All Ireland Football tickets club members draw

The list for the All Ireland football tickets draw is up in the clubhouse. Get your name up&nb...

Club Senior Hurling & Football Championships

Éire Óg will meet Clooney Quin in the quarter finals of the Clare senior hurling championship....

Change of venue senior football Monday 7 August

Please  note Bank Holiday Monday's senior football league game v Ennistymon has been move...

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